Dr.Ram Kumar

Dr.Ram Kumar
B.H.M.S., M.D. (Hom) Psychiatry Homoeopathic Physician, Psychiatrist & Clinical Hypnotherapist.He is one of the first Psychiatrists from the Homeopathic system of medicine in India. His metaphysical approach to life is very real and hence his way of treating a sick person is painless, natural, and holistic.
He treats his patients by helping to develop their insight into life, health, and sickness. He merely prescribes medicine for altered health and encourages his patients to go for self-recovery by strengthening their willpower. He uses different psychological techniques like Counseling, Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Metaphysical Therapy, and Bach Flower Therapy along with homeopathic treatment to help patients complete recovery, not only from sickness to health but also the comprehensive meaning of health e.g. physical, mental, social, and spiritual health.
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Why Choose Us?
Empathetic Hearing
"Enriched Pharmacy is a healthcare facility that specializes in compounding and dispensing medications, offering personalized, patient-specific solutions to meet unique health needs."
Affordable Psychological Sessions
"Empathetic hearing, affordable psychological sessions, medical treatment, enriched pharmacy,gradual withdrawal plan from allopathic medicines."
Medical Treatment
Medical treatment involves diagnosing, preventing, and alleviating health conditions using procedures, therapies. It aims to restore or improve a patient's physical and mental well-being.
Enriched Pharmacy
Medical treatment involves diagnosing, preventing, and alleviating health conditions using procedures, therapies. It aims to restore or improve a patient's physical and mental well-being.
Gradual withdrawal plan from allopathic medicines
Medical treatment involves diagnosing, preventing, and alleviating health conditions using procedures, therapies. It aims to restore or improve a patient's physical and mental well-being.
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Patient Testimonials
I was having seizures of anger and rage for the last few years and it got very severe in 2016 and I started abusing my wife, children and parents (who are in their 80s), I started breaking things at home, used to lock myself in my room and read books excessively (for 8 to 10 hours at a stretch) to avoid conflicting situations, skipping office at will etc. I also used to forget things very easily, had difficulty in decision making etc. In July 2016, I was about to break our TV to pieces. My wife calmed me down and searched internet and got the name of Dr. Ram Kumar and sought appointment. He gave me a patient hearing, understood my problems and prescribed some medicines and advised psychological counselling and therapy which I took sincerely for 1 and 1/2 years. I started noticing difference in my feelings and attitude in about 3 months and gradually it improved to a level where I feel the need to write this feedback. currently I am doing well in the direction of my personal and professional life, enjoying good relationship at home, enjoying and helping my wife and children, taking care of my old parents and living a more productive and satisfied life. I advise to people in need to stick to doctor's advice and get best result in a short period of time
I have suffered from extreme anxiety for years. I stayed disoriented, dizzy, and glassy-eyed. I was more anxious and very tired. I was taking many allopathic medicines to reduce stress. After trying a different option from all alternates, I started consultation with Dr.Kumar. The outcome is more than I could have hoped for! I am calm, happy, and ever so grateful. Thank you Highly recommend.
I first visited Dr. Kumar's Clinic for anxiety issues in 2014 Dec. Since 2007 I had been facing panic attacks, GAD and agoraphobia. I had done almost no travelling in this 7 year period(2007-2014) and for last 5 years I was working from home as I was unable to go to office. I took treatment from him for almost 2 years. Since last year I have been on 4 vacations, traveled by road, train and air. I am now working full time from office. Dr. Kumar has a unique way of treatment, his therapy process includes first making you understand how the human mind works and what exactly causes a mental health problem. This first step is very important because its helps you to understand and accept your situation. Acceptance is the biggest step in mental health issues. This is followed by hypnotherapy sessions where you learn to release all negative thought patterns and with affirmations and guided meditation fill your mind with positive thoughts and confidence. Another thing that I would like to add is that Dr. Kumar never made me feel like a mental health patient but a normal human being which has helped me a lot considering the stigma that comes with mental health.
My name is Mayank Jain. I was suffering from anxiety for the last 3 years and I was taking many allopathic medicines to reduce stress, which was not getting me well but the side effects of those medicines also started coming on my body . 3 times a day sleeping medicine Even after taking there was no relief in depression but my life changed after meeting Dr. Kumar, he works on the root cause of these problems and his homeopathic medicines are also very effective as well as his counselling is very effective for me .Today it has been almost 15 months since I finished his treatment. And till date I haven't had any problem again. Many thanks to Dr Kumar and his team
As a result of Dr Kumar's comprehensive treatment plan I no longer experience auditory and visual hallucinations, Chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress and brain fog. I now wake up every morning feeling fresh, confident, full of high self-esteem and feeling well rested. I am able to sleep uninterrupted. I stay motivated throughout the whole day. I have now started work again after being unable to work for a good number of years. I even study in my spare time. I only wish I had started the psychological online sessions sooner. My family had given up on me as the first psychiatrist had advised them that I would have to live with my symptoms. Thanks to Dr Kumar's support my family are amazed at the level of improvement I have made and cannot believe that I have returned to work and live independently and handle all of my affairs myself, including financial.
I was in a state of depression and panic attacks which were very frequent. Before visiting Dr.Kumar i befell many doctors would listen to me for 15 min and just prescribe medicines. But i was clear in my head that i want permanent treatment than numbing my senses. So i came across him and paid a visit to him. He is a very patient and tried to reach root cause of my issues(actually only doctor who wanted me to get better than getting trapped in vicious circle of feeling better in 1 month by taking medicines) He started my therapies and homeopathy medicines(both regular).It took approximately 1 month to feel better. I used to come to the clinic with watery eyes and now i come with a big smile. Whole staff makes you feel comfortable and at home, which eventually calms you down and gives you reassurance that you are at right place. Dr.Kumar worked on my subconscious mind and gave a different perspective to life. Which is the correct treatment for mental diseases
I was suffering with psychological problem depression/obsession/anxiet. Due to psychological problem i could not study and get myself motivated . When I visited Dr. Kumar Sir clinic he advised me therapy along with medicine which help me in my study and gradually my problem has been cured. For psychological problem please visit psychologist as soon as possible. Once you feel depressed/anxiety/obsession please dont ignore it, take proper treatment. Usually in Psycological problem sometime it takes time to cure ,in this situation please don't quit the treatment otherwise after sometime problem will be back with increase symptoms and intensity. Dr. Kumar treatment is unique as it is combination of therapy and homeopathic medicine. After a long conversation with patient and guardian he dignose the problem then he decide the therapy and medicine .Dr. Kumar is very humble and his staff are very supportive. Please don't ignore psychological problem get treatment as soon as possible. Don't quit treatment on your own or family advice. Without Dr. 'S advice please don't quit the treatment.
Dr Ram is an experienced, trustworthy wise professional who knows how to make people comfortable. He helped me through really anxious thoughts that I had not been able to handle at all at that time. His treatment helped me in so many ways and I feel way more powerful now I will highly recommend him to everyone who is looking for a trusted professional Regards Jassi
If you are going through anxieties and depression and you are thinking there is no end to your suffering, I can tell you from personal experience that there is hope. Even if this line looks very monotonous and you do not agree with it at the moment, you will be able to see the entire situation from a different perspective once you start recovering. I know that this would seem impossible at this moment as I was in the same boat. I tried to kill myself several times by whatever means I could think or search for, and landed in the hospital once, but still I did not die. I was in a state where I was desperately looking for some kind of miracle, or someone who could pull me out of my despair. I went to the religious places, so-called saints and spiritual leaders, thinking that something would work. Everything was just getting out of control. I was afraid of doctors, medicines, chemicals, ghosts, God, spiritual leaders, spirituality, germs, termite, food, water, and whatever you can think of. My life was a real mess. Because of my worsening condition, I started realizing that I need a psychiatrist and it was my brother who insisted me to start medicine. I was put on allopathic medicines and psychological treatment, but still nothing was helping. I tried 3 psychologists before Dr. Ram Kumar. One of those 3 psychologists suggested that if I was afraid of taking allopathic medicines, I should try homeopathy. Then, I searched for a homeopathic doctor who would also use tools like hypnotherapy, and I found the contact of Dr. Ram Kumar. My treatment started and I was given homeopathic medicines along with therapies. The condition was such that I had to undergo psychological therapy every day. Initially, I was not able to make head and tail of it. I used to feel how such simple techniques or counselling could help me in such a condition. After starting the treatments also, there were days when I felt like killing myself, but daily therapies were controlling a lot of things. Due to my anxieties, I had trust issues and tried to look for another therapist but could not find someone who was able to explain things more rationally like Dr. Ram Kumar. It was after 6 months or so that I stabilised, and then also I was seeking confirmations from my husband, my daughter, and other people around me, because I never felt that I could make an appropriate decision. I had extremely low self-esteem. With passing of every month, the instinct to kill myself became less and less frequent, and finally after 1 year, I was able to get rid of that feeling. But there was this surge of hitting my head in the wall occurring very rarely, but I am very happy to tell that after 1 year and 4 months that has also gone away. Now I can say that I am out of depression. My anxieties have also reduced. I am more confident when talking to people. I am able to make decisions for myself. I am able to put my point ahead, and say no if something is not in my interest. I am also able to plan ahead and set my priorities. Earlier, the people around me used to say that I am intelligent, but I could not see anything special in myself. I still can’t see anything special in myself because I have started understanding that every individual is the sum total of what he has learnt from his environment. I have started understanding the concept of cause and effect and how it shapes up someone’s personality. Now I don’t downgrade myself , and appreciate my abilities instead of just looking at my inadequateness and disabilities, including blindness. After long, I have started earning again and this time with much more confidence. Dr knows what he is doing. Initially, you might feel that how can such therapies or counselling help you to come out of something as dismal as depression, but his techniques work. You just have to be consistent. Furthermore, his staff is also very co-operative and understands patient’s problems. Dr, thanks a lot for helping me! Mental Health is tabooed in society, but rest assured it can be treated like any other treatable illness.
When I started taking sessions, my condition was not very good. I was encountering a lot of frustrating problems which used to disrupt my daily routine. I am a student, and this problem of OCD and anxiety had reduced my output of studies very much. My hand used to get stiff on its own due to nervousness. Therefore I was not able to write properly, while I was studying. After I started taking sessions, I felt a little relieved in starting sessions itself. I was very afraid of giving exams. But just after five sessions I gave my SCRA exam quite comfortably compared to earlier times. Then later, I observed that my behavior was slowly changing .I had become more calm and could control my anger. When my EEE exams came close and again I grew nervous. But after repeated sessions, my nervousness came down quickly and I gave my EEE exam quite comfortably which I was not sure that I would be able to .Although still there are certain problems of repetition and I still get nervous whenever I encounter something of importance. But the extent of nervousness has come down a great deal. I have full faith now that if I keep taking sessions and keep my thought positive, I will become completely alright very soon.
A tribute to Dr.Ram kumar If u can trust a thing therapy then only u can benefited from it.So the first step I took was to believe in Dr.Ram Kumar .My problem was basically,the over clouding of thoughts in my mind and the consequent under performance in every sphere of my life.My meeting with Dr. Kumar was followed by his unique style of interpreting my case history.Then I was made to understand how basically the mind works and the way problems get in to our thinking system.Once I was familiar with mind and its processes,I agree to go for hypnotherapy session.And I swear that was a life changing experience.I found hypnotherapy session a better tool to understand myself and my problems.And with Dr.Kumar's expert assistance,hypnotherapy along with psychotherapy and mind coaching I feel lot of changes in myself,all constructive and vitalising.I sincerely recommend Dr.Ram Kumar's unique practice for everyone who wants to have a better and more full filling life.
Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine which assists the natural tendency of the human body to heal itself. It acknowledges that all symptoms of ill health are a mere manifestation of the disharmony within the whole person and that it is the patient that requires treatment and not the disease. It has been in existence worldwide for nearly two hundred years and its popularity is rising in the present day.
It definitely is. Homeopathy is a science based on sound logic and vast experimental data. Homeopathy is the only medicinal science where data has been collected by proving on human beings and not on animals because human beings can communicate their actual feelings during the testing while animals cannot. The principles of Homeopathy have been derived and authenticated by vast clinical experiments and data. The homeopathic medicines are prepared in a standardized manner. The homeopathic pharmacopoeia lists more than 3000 remedies, whose clinical efficiency has been proved in various clinical trials conducted all over the world.
No, homeopathic medicines act according to the issue. They have been observed to provide quick and effective results (within 5 to 10 minutes) in severe gallstone, renal and abdominal colic. They can reduce body temperatures within 10 minutes in case of high fevers and work effectively in malaria, typhoid, etc. However, in chronic cases of arthritis, skin allergies, asthma, and other issues which have been affecting the patient for 15-20 years, the remedy can take up to 6 months to a year to treat the condition effectively.
Any medicine that has effects can also have side effects. Homeopathic medication if taken without the supervision of a qualified Homoeopath can have adverse effects. The reasons why our medication has no side effects: • The quantity of medicine is prescribed according to your needs. • The remedy is prepared by serial dilutions to liberate its healing properties. This process is called potentisation where the physical quantity of the medicine is reduced and the potential is enhanced. • The homeopath goes through a meticulous two-hour procedure to find the remedy most suited to your personality which nullifies any chances of side effects.
The effects of a Homeopathic medication can last very long when preserved in dry conditions (away from sunlight, in a cool dark place). They must be discarded when they get moist or the color changes to yellow. We prescribe medication for patients who are overseas, or on a ship, for a duration of six months. Please keep the medication away from strong-smelling substances like camphor, mint, menthol, strong oils and perfumes, etc.
Our medicines can be taken on an empty stomach, after breakfast, after lunch, or at any time of the day as long as you keep the mouth clean (of any chemical properties) for 15 -30 minutes before and after the consumption of your dosage of the medicine as the absorption of the medication takes place through the tongue.